Hi if you've come to this video you're obviously trying to find out about YouTube ads now this is what I specialise in is supplying and building YouTube ads for businesses from 1 to 10 employees now the reason that I would suggest highly suggest that you use YouTube ads is because they're completely and utterly different to anything else that's out there on the market.
Now most people I speak to have been on the Facebook platform or the social media platform and realise that they're not going to get a lot of quality results for their money, the reason for this is that social media is a social platform and people go to do social things to basically find out about birthdays celebrations who's going who's been on holiday where or trips to certain places it's the same sort of conversations you'd have at a local bar or a local social club.
And that's why its called social media is and you're trying to advertise to people at the same time as they're trying to enjoy and they're usually just killing time time whereas on the other hand, YouTube is like the library of a town people go to YouTube to learn things to look at reviews to find out information how to fix things to be inspired so they're going to the platform for a totally different reason.
And they actually spend on average 40 minutes on that platform now the beauty with YouTube it's a search engine and it's owned by Google so the Google information and the YouTube information is actually shared.
You've got eight ways of targeting people on YouTube you also get 30 seconds of free advertising on every skippable video as you see if you skip within the first 30 seconds it costs nothing to The Advertiser so it's also a very good way of actually getting branding across.
And you want the people that you're not interested to skip your ads, use that 30 seconds to sort out people that you don't want so that you attract people you do want.
Now if you went to Facebook and watched 3 seconds and you get charged for that view, whereas on YouTube it is 30 seconds and then if they click through you get charged 10 to 30 cents for that view.
But it's a higher quality and the reason they're going to YouTube in the first place is they're there for to educate learn look at product reviews learn things get inspired so they're far more engaged audience and you know what roughly what it's going to cost you whereas on Facebook and social media the costs I have been in the industry for nearly 30 years now I can't work at the cost they keep changing all the time.
And I think the other thing you'll find is the quality of the leads is very very poor so if you want high quality leads dependable leads from engaged customers and if you want them from your city alone or your or one postcode or one country YouTube can deliver and it can deliver at a price no other platform can do.
So now saying that YouTube's not for every business and I would highly recommend you take the time to spend 30 minutes on a free consultation with myself and or my colleagues and find out whether YouTube ads are the thing that you need to look at or whether they might not work for your situation I'd rather work with people that I can really really help and make a big difference to than kid people on that oh yes we'll get you lots of leads.
Unfortunately that seems to be the case in Facebook and social media leads a lot of the agencies just kid you on and they're praying that you might get some leads or well they know you're going to get leads but then they know the quality of those leads eventually dawns on people how much money they're spending currently, so if you're currently spending on social media you really need to check out YouTube now.
The other thing that sort of puts people off is oh well you know you have to highly produce video and it's expensive because it's not expensive it's 10 to 30 cents per click which is cheap as chips and you don't need a highly produced video, in fact if you have if you spend three thousand dollars having a highly made advert people automatically their sensors go up this is an advert and they switch off.
There is a way of doing it there's a script you can use which will get you the engagement and get you the people that you want and repel the people you don't want.
Click on the contact details let's have a zoom call let's find out if we can help you and go from there, I'm based in New Zealand we are sort of 12 hours ahead of most people in the world it's sort of time traveling we sort of know the future a bit so bear with me we can usually sort of do some evening calls if that works for you in your time zone but um love to speak to you love to help you and um look forward to speaking to you cheers bye.
Book your 45 min FREE strategy session now, head over to our website to book by clicking this link: www.youtubeadsguru.co.nz
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